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Thanks to Hair Therapy member Kat I was able to attend an advanced screening of The Color Purple December 16th, 2023. I have not watched the original film in years. Usually, I am a stickler for refreshing myself however, I wanted to go in with a clean palate. I tried not to make comparisons because it was my understanding this movie musical is a blend of the original story and the Broadway play. Thus, making it a new product and not necessarily a flat out remake.

The Color Purple started as a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel written by Alice Walker and published in 1982. Steven Spielberg ’s version of The Color Purple was released in December 1985, that cast included Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Glover, Margaret Avery, and multiple other notable stars. The musical opened on Broadway at the Broadway Theatre on December 1, 2005.

What I enjoyed most about the film is breaking through the feeling of hopelessness. Multiple stories lines are taking place at the same time and there reaches a point where it seems hopeless for all of the characters. Whether they were provoking other characters or enduring abuse from others, my questions were, “ What is wrong with these people? Why cant many characters seem to get what they want? ” Conflicts ranged from a lack of compatible partners to lack of respect. The storyline that hurt me the most was the breakdown of Sofia.

The controversy surrounding Shug Avery didn’t concern me much. I learned that Shugs character is based off of Ma Rainey a bisexual blues singer from the 30’s. While the depiction is subject to the interpretation of the director the basic foundation was already laid by Ms Walker. The internet erred of the side of the relationship being agenda based and new age.

The Color Purple reinforces the theme that if you learn from others, stay patient and focused it is possible to make through the worst situations to brighter days. Forgiveness is possible and so is redemption.

P.S. Hell No! was my favorite song.

Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé

The Beyonce haters that didn’t see the film just because its Beyonce really missed out. While the film is slightly more fun if you know the words. The best part of it is seeing behind the scenes and seeing the kids. The film displays the level of effort and coordination that it takes to bring concepts from paper to reality.

There is a scene that went viral when Beyonce asks for a 30 foot wide camera and is given misinformation that it doesn’t exist. Beyonce quickly verified it did exist on Google. The best word I can use to describe her tone is “Virgo-ism”. She was very direct and involved with her production.

She worked through tremendous pain in order to get ready for the tour. Knee surgery! Anytime I feel like I am too tired to do something I remind myself Beyonce danced for the world right after knee surgery.

My only regret is not seeing it on opening day. It was quiet as a mouse in the theater I went to. It didn’t give my aunt and I the full Beyonce experience.

RAE 2024

2/24/24 The documentary I have been working on “RAE2024” premiers in Fairfax, Virginia at the Angelika Film Center. The film honors Black Men that have changed their life through entrepreneurship and music. Tickets are on sale now. Accepting sponsorships and donations.