Sister Sister : NikkRich X Candalada
Let me tell you about this girl hugging me. She is my sister. She goes by NikkRich these days. There was a time where all I thought about was my education and my sister. I even took her to college with me; the place where she fell in love with photography. Many say we look and act alike however, we are complete opposites. Everything that we do compliments each other and adds to each other. We both carry cameras but I am far from a photographer. I long for the movement of video. Our creative processes are also light years apart.
When we are together the question we always hear is, “Who is older? Are you two twins?” No, we are nine years apart. I am always the first to blurt out the answer. My spirit is young and her demeanor is mature. On my quest to become who I am today I never imagined she would play such a large role in my career.
The work she has done and continues to do with and for me is invaluable for several reasons. The first being her passion for her craft, the second, her natural eye for getting what I need with little or no description, and last her technical skills. She is priceless to me that is why she is NikkRich (outside the reach that they are both abbreviations of her first and last name). She is rich in spirit, rich in drive and full of love.
We took this photo after a dinner party in DC. The ladies that she worked with for the DC Latin Creatives Project had a gathering. She was the youngest at the table. Yet there seemed to be no divide in content or interests. Cheers to NikkRich, this lovely self-portrait, fun mini shoot and sisterhood.
Candalada cut by Omar Lavender
NikkRich Hair by Candalada
Candalada cut by Omar Lavender
NikkRich Hair by Candalada